Tue Feb 23 2021
England Roadmap out of lockdown

The PM has delivered his statement on the roadmap out of lockdown for England which begins from 8 March.
The aim of the roadmap will be to guide the Government “cautiously but irreversibly” to lifting the lockdown. This approach will be led by data, not deaths and all future measures are geared towards containing, not eliminating the virus.
The Prime Minister has said there will be no Tier system for England – it will be a national approach with the country being treated as a single area.
(more info on the roadmap out of lockdown and guidelines here)
Key Dates:
– Outdoor hospitality could start from April 12th
– Indoor and table service could resume from May 17th
– The rest of hospitality could resume from June 21st
With only 48 days to go until April 12th and 82 days until 21st of June, you really do need to get started on setting up your own online ordering and order at table service.
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